Voice for Musical Theatre 
Teacher: Lynn Ambrose
Meets on Thursdays 6:15pm – 7:15pm 
Now through May 5th (16 week course) 
Cost: $500 per semester

Singing in Musical Theatre is more vocally and stylistically demanding today than it has ever been! Get a step ahead with this group singing environment focused on the theory, safety techniques, and repitore used for the modern broadway singer.

With influences of classical voice training and styles, speech-based vocal genre concepts to aid in crisp, percussive diction, and contemporary concepts including musical theatre belt singing and pop/rock influences, studying the art of Broadway singing can be intimidating to say the least. Through this DAMPA course, students are able to come into a safe learning environment. Students will study with the best teachers in Dallas, who have years of real world experience studying, applying, and teaching these in an easy-to-digest and applicable way!

To be placed into the best possible group class, please call us at 833-281-2690 to answer a few quick questions.


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