
Stretch & Conditioning Private Lessons

Taught Online!

By offering private intro-to-dance lessons online we are now able to accommodate your schedule to make studying dance with a DAMPA instructor more convenient than ever! All you will need is an internet connected device with a camera, and you are good to go! 

Why Take Stretching & Conditioning Private Lessons?

Your body is your instrument! If you fine tune it, develop a better mind-to-muscle connection, and increase your own performance through foundational work like stretching & conditioning, you will be able to remove barriers set by physical limitations. 


Developing proper stretching habits to be used throughout the week is a life long investment, ensuring that you are using proper and safe technique to prepare and train for any dance style you are studying. Just as a vocalist understands the importance of proper vocal warm up techniques and safety exercises, the modern dancer is always training their body to work at the highest and safest level. 

How to Sign Up?

Call us at 833-281-2690 to answer a few questions and get placed into the perfect private lesson!


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